eBay Fall Seller Update
eBay reiterated in the Fall Seller update; all listings on eBay need to comply with the active content changes. If you’re selling on eBay and you’re using any kind of listing template, this is something that you really need to pay attention to.We’ve mentioned the specific details of the changes in a previous blog here. As eBay certified developers, all our eBay store and listing designs are active content compliant.
The eBay stores and listings we design are completely mobile responsive and feature no JavaScript or other elements of active content.
If you’re currently using a listing template on eBay or are looking at having one designed, we can produce an eBay active content compliant listing design for your store.
Bulk Listings
Once we’ve completed a listing design for you store, revising every listing can seem a daunting task. It takes roughly 3 minutes to revise a listing with a new listing template. Let’s say you have 500 listings; you’d be looking at:3 x 500 / 60 = 25 hours to update every listing.
That works out at just over 3 full 8 hour days with no breaks. Realistically you’re looking at a whole working week, and that’s just for 500. If you’re selling more items, you could be looking at a long , slow slog of updating products while more important aspects of looking after your business go neglected.
With our bulk edit tool, we can revise all of your existing listings with the new template. This includes listings that have a template already attached and listings that have no styling or listing. The cost for a bulk edit varies depending on the amount of listings on your store so get in touch and see what we can do to help boost your sales today.